Viva la Musica shoulder rests have a beautiful design and are made of Maple or Walnut wood. Optionally, black or gold-coloured end supports are available, which arerotatable,foldable and infinitely adjustable in height. The f lexiblehardenedsteel clamping parts providean excellent gripbetweentheshoulder restandtheviolin. A solid foam rubber grip is glued to the wooden part. Viva la Musica shoulder rests providelessdampingofinstrumentvibrationsdue totheshape,angleofadjustment and placement of the fork feet .
There are various versions available that can be chosen (shape, type of wood and version of the work feet). Suitable for 3/4 and 4/4 violins.
The supplier's website contains some nice 3-D animations. Click here for the VLM website.
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