Concerto for Violin and Piano Op. 35 B Minor - Rieding
€12,00Incl. tax
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OskarRieding'sfameliesinhiscontributiontoHungarianmusic,andinparticularto themusicallifeofBudapest.HefirststudiedatthenewlyfoundedAcademyofMusic ArtsinBerlinandlaterattheLeipzigConservatory.Inthe late1860shemovedtoVienna,wherein1871theconductor,HansRichter,thenmusicdirectoroftheNationalOpera HouseinBudapest,appointedRiedingasleaderoftheorchestra.Hestayedtherefor thirty-twoyearsandcomposedseveralviolin concertosandmanypiecesforviolinandpiano.Afterhisretirementin1904 , helivedinCilli-Sloveniauntilhisdeathin1918 . The violin concerto in B minor dates from 1909.Click here for a nice video of the violin concerto performed by a very young student.
Two editions are available; of which 1 with an included CD
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